Partnership Homes
Our Partnership Homes are a fantastic way for you to help contribute to the further generations and future of the breed!
What is a partnership home?
In more detail below, a Partnership home is one where it is agreed to between the new owner(s) and ourselves that the dog will contribute towards the future generation here at Tundrai.
This is a great way for people to become involved in breed preservation and assist in continuing the Tundrai legacy.
We prefer to home out our breeding dogs rather than keep them at home so that we can keep our numbers low and devote as much attention and love to our current pack as possible.
It is our personal belief that all dogs should receive the attention, care and love that they deserve (and they deserve A LOT!).
This way our Tundrai dogs get to live happy fulfilled lives with their families.
Only certain 'show-potential puppies' from our litters will be selected to join us in Partnership, and we otherwise will normally have pet puppies available on the ANKC Limited Register with a desexing clause.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding this arrangement.
What is a ‘show-potential puppy’?
A show-potential puppy means a promising individual, devoid of major disqualifying faults (such as a kinked tail, an undershot or overshot mouth or undescended testicles), clear in testable health clearances, with good and correct-to-standard conformation (structure, type, movement, temperament) whom we wish to maintain in our breeding program or believe would be an appropriate conformation show dog / asset to the breed.
We try to keep at least one to three show-potential puppies per litter, in order to maintain our lines. We do this by either keeping them in partnership, or keeping them ourselves.
The remaining puppies will not be ‘ugly’ or ‘not as nice’, it is just that they don’t conform to what we would like to see in our breeding program in the future, as well as what we deem to be a show potential puppy.
What's in it for me?
Our partnership females are sold at a slightly lower rate than our companionship females, and our partnership owners are reimbursed the purchase price of their girl upon a successful litter back.
Our partnership boys owners get given a small 'collection fee' upon successful collection, and, if they opt to leave their dog entire, will receive the full stud fee (generally price of a puppy) from any external breeder use.
All of our partnership dogs will receive full health testing covered by us, prior to breeding. This ensures your peace of mind in your dog in more extensive testing than would be carried out in your average pet (hip and elbows, ACES eyes + gonioscopy, DNA testing, +/- heart testing, +/- patella testing, +/- spine testing)
In addition, all of our partnership dogs are also covered by our $250 desex clause, whereby once desexed and a neuter certificate produced to us, we are happy to reimburse $250 to our owners (when is convenient to us).
If you think you would be open to help continue our breeding program of this beautiful treasure of a breed, please keep reading and contact us if you would be interested:
If you are open to or would like a show-potential puppy however are not willing to show the dog yourself, but happen to live nearby, we are more than happy to take them to shows to title them in their Australian Championship. Showing is definitely not for everyone and this can be a good alternative for those not wishing to become involved in the show/breeding scene, but would still like to contribute to the breed/our breeding program or are open to doing so. This would likely be every second to third weekend and involve us ‘dognapping’ your Lappie baby for a good ¾ of a weekend day. This is not a necessity, however a preference for us.
On occasion we will allow males to go to pet homes to be collected from once they are health tested and of age, then their owners are free to desex them at a normal interval, as if they were pet-only puppies (without us showing them to title, if this is something you are uncomfortable with or you are interstate and unwilling to show them yourself).
We sometimes have show-potential puppies available to other breeders, aspiring-to-be breeders or dedicated show homes without co-ownership in place, if we feel that a puppy is worthy of being bred from or shown and we do not have plans for him or her within our own breeding program.
We try to put mostly males in co-owned homes, as once he has been utilised in our breeding program as per our agreements (whether after full health testing clearance, this be natural mating/s or collected for frozen semen), the dog will be then signed over to the co-owner in full, and depending on whether they are breeders/show home or not, may use him themselves in a registered breeding and/or stud him out, or have him de-sexed as per contract (in the case of a pet home).
Females are a little trickier as we require either a litter to be taken place with us (in most cases) or a puppy back (in very few cases). This means that the dam will potentially have to be with us for at least 2 or so weeks whilst mating (whether AI or natural) takes place, then at least a further 9 weeks whilst we prepare for the litter (at least one week before due date) and whilst the puppies grow. This is a long time for a family to be without their dog and can carry a lot of health risks for your girl. If you are thinking that you would be comfortable to be the owner of a show-potential female from us, it is very important you consider whether this is something you would be open to. Because of this we try to home out our show-potential females to people familiar with the breed, who show and/or are close with us, if we are not able to keep them ourselves.
If you go into this agreement with us whilst planning to breed your dog or keep them entire for possible stud/leasing opportunities, we will agree to cover half the costs of their health testing. If you go into agreement with us with the plans of de-sexing your dog after we utilise them in our breeding plans, we will cover the entire cost of their health testing before they are signed over to you. Once they are signed fully into your name it is up to you whether any further health testing is performed (DNA profiling and screening, Hips and Elbows, Eye testing and possibly cardio testing depending on the lines will be covered by us as per the above).
Can I breed my Lappie?
We will be allowing a very few select puppies to go on to lappie breeders or aspiring lappie breeders to be.
We do have minimum ethical requirements of any dog going to a breeding home, and these would be discussed before a dog was purchased from us.
Existing breeders are welcome to enquire with us, however we may not always have a dog available on outright ownership.
Please note that we do not home Tundrai puppies out to outdoor-only or kennel settings.
In the case of new aspiring ANKC breeders, we do not make this decision lightly, and one, if wishing to become an ANKC breeder for lappies must be willing to learn about the breed, have a good understanding of the direction of the breed as a whole and want to do the entire process in a respectable, responsible and ethical manner under strict mentorship.
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